your event
your choice

one man
one guitar
one voice

@ your venue
Playing for coffee shops, business events, family-friendly dining, intimate private gatherings, after-work relaxation, and talk venues. Mix and match from 45-minute sets or custom-make your selection from over 100 curated songs.

from me in ’83
Honeycutt wrote Super Spy as a featured work on Cutter’s 1983 album produced by TRC production. Cutter’s inaugural and only vinyl enjoyed limited distribution in South Central Kansas, California’s Bay Area, and Vancouver, Canada. Original wrapped copies are difficult to find but prized by aficionados of that musical transition era.
thank you to the artists a pixabay. i hope i have done your talent justice.
decarpentrie. dekoart-gallery. hansbenn. janetrdominguez. jlaswilson. mgattorona. missartem. pexels. pfüderi. pixxlteufel. sweetlouise. tookapic. victoria_regen. visit for terms of service for this artwork. Also thank you @starline from freepik.