honeycutt facebook text/call to 918-315-0024
rates are subject to your needs and circumstances. general guidelines appear here.
o $15/hour small venue like a coffee shop
o $45/hour medium venue like a larger eating/drinking place
o $65/hour special event less than 50 people
o $100/hour special event more than 50
o $125/hour session player on piano keyboards
o going rate for casino or similar with regular stage acts

MY MUSIC BIO. thank you for browsing the site. i am a retired school educator with a few decades as a business person before teaching. in my late teens and early twenties i played for weddings, small parties, church groups, high school reunions, and some larger events. i enjoy small settings and am unabashed playing for several hundred or a few thousand. my high school/college era band made an album “cutter. the almost okay stuff to listen to” in ’83. i also played guitar and sang for a show called “the evolution of rock II” in california. the evolution show had twenty singers, dancers, and musicians with an equal number of stage, sound, and lighting pros. i played guitar and sang – and sometimes filled in for a dancer if someone was ill (but way in the back). the show played over 300 times to a few hundred people each time. since my twenty’s i have played as a session keyboard musician a few times. this web site and venture is forty years later. i don’t pretend to pursue fame. i just like to play and sing. i like for people to enjoy themselves. i’m plenty good enough to invite to your party, your establishment, or modest event.
Favorites | Chocolate | Upbeat | Energy | Soft Gentle | Eclectic | Beatles Eagles Bee Gees | Country Leaning| John’s Favorites